Freitag, 12. November 2010

Common tasks and how to do them with ScientificPlotter

As a user of ScientificPlotter you are getting the full experience of having a multifunctional application in your hand. ScientificPlotter distinguish between a numerical input and a formula in Cartesian-/Polar or Parametric-space.

So let's see what you can do, you can..:

  • type in an arbitrary calculation, e.g. 1/ln(5)  and see what you get
each entry in the history consist of its unique id, 
the expression you entered and the appropriate result 

  •  type in a function with the variable 'x', e.g. e^sin(x) 

 in this case  ScientificPlotter will assume you want to plot a function in Cartesian-space and
 will plot the function above in respect to the variable x
  • type in a function with the variable 'u', e.g sin(5*u)^2
 in this case  ScientificPlotter will assume you want to plot a function in polar-space 
and will plot the function above in respect to the angle 'theta' in the given bounds

  •  type in a function with the variable 'u' and in the form [f_1(u);f_2(u)], e.g. [sin(u)*u;cos(u)*u]
in this case  ScientificPlotter will assume you want to plot a function in 
parametric-space this time 'u' plays the role of a parameter not a angle!

In all cases above you are given the possibility to use a free scalable parameter 'k', so this can become very useful. Let us give you a brief introduction:

  • What if you want to plot sin(x) but with different frequencies? With our new parameter just type in sin(k*x) and hit the go button and a new pop-up window will show up asking you for three values: the start-value, the stop-value and the step size 
so for instance if start is 1 stop is 3 and step is also 1, 
'k' will go from 1,2 & 3 and you will plot sin(1*x); sin(2*x); sin(3*x)

And of course it is possible to draw several functions together; all you need to do is separate them with a semicolon, like 'function1; function2', e.g. x*sin(x);x;-x

Endian Ogino 

5 Kommentare:

  1. i have a problem. It doesn't want to plot parametric functions. I write, for example [sin(u);cos(u)] but he says "Formula could not be parsed: ..."
    (I used Upsilon not u)

    1. He says exactly "Formula could not be parsed: [sin(u)" Perhaps he thinks that i'm not writing a parametric equation but i'm writing two equation at time

    2. Habe das gleiche Problem. Was ist falsch?

    3. Аналогичная глюка. А автор, интересно, смотрит на эти каменты вообще?

  2. Parametric plot does Not work as described
